Meet the Team: Paige Murdoch

Paige Murdoch | Architecture Specialist

Meet Paige Murdoch, Archway’s newest consultant who has joined Claire Smith to recruit across the Architecture space. Get to know Paige below:

Who are you?

I’m currently over the top happy as I have returned from a holiday in Bali freshly engaged with the ring and man of my dreams. I’m a mum to Ruby the cocker spaniel and our little family is living life to the fullest!

What do you do at Archway Recruitment?

I am an Associate Consultant on the Architectural desk learning from the talented Principal Consultant, Claire Smith. I align candidates in all kinds of situations with new opportunities to allow for growth, and growth looks different for everyone, which I enjoy being part of.

What do you do outside of work?

I love canopy camping escapes, travelling, eating my way around Christchurch, music, paddle boarding, learning new languages, date nights and watching my dog do literally anything.

How many candidates on average do you interview a month?

On average 200+ candidates according to our database.

If you could offer a single piece of advice to candidates, what would it be?

When interviewing, walk into the room with confidence. Subconsciously as humans, we form our opinions on people within the first 7 seconds of interacting. First impressions count!

If you could offer a single piece of advice to clients, what would it be?

Communication really is key. I often refer to this quote “Communication is the bridge between confusion and clarity”. I’d be delighted to learn of your recruitment needs.

What career did you want to have when you were a kid?

I was so sure I’d be an international pop star or actress.

Is this your second career? If so, what was your first?

I was a Technical Educator for Loreal Professional ANZ and won NZ Makeup Artist of the year in 2016.

If you were ever going to go on a reality TV show, which one would you go on and why?

I would love to go on Survivor or The Amazing Race.


Are you looking for a new team member within the Architecture space or for a new role? Get in touch with Paige for a chat.

Posted in

12 Feb 2024